補脾益腸丸 Bu Pi Yi Chang Wan

Bao An

Regular price $8.25

Recommended Use:
Traditional Chinese medicine used as a digestive tonic.  Traditional Chinese medicine used for common digestive disorders such as diarrhea, abdomen pain and anorexia.

Recommended Dose:
Take 1 bottle-cap (6g) of pills each time, 3 times daily with water. For adults only.

Risk Information:
Do not use: (1) if you are pregnant or breastfeeding;(2) if there is a hot feeling in the stomach; (3) if you are having a common cold with fever; (4) if there are new symptoms appear after using this product for 3 days;(5) if you have chronic colitis ulcer with stool blood; (6) if you have anaphylaxis; (7) if the pills have changed the shape and forms. Do not take raw, cold, oily and spicy food when using this product. Consult a health practitioner if you are taking other drugs or symptoms persist. Keep out of reach of children.



【注意事项】下列情况请勿使用:(1) 怀孕或哺乳者; (2)胃部有灼熱感; (3)感冒發燒;(4)服用3天后有新症狀產生; (5) 有慢性结肠炎溃疡及便血; (6)過敏反應者; (7)藥丸狀況改變。避免生冷辛辣油膩的食物。如症状持续或变差或正在服用其他藥物,请咨询医师。请放在儿童接触不到的地方。