百合固金丸 Bai He Gu Jin Pills Gold Lung Strengthener


Regular price $7.99

功能主治:养阴润肺, 化痰止咳, 用于肺肾阴虚, 燥咳少痰, 痰中带血, 咽干喉痛。

补肝肾, 益气血。 用于气血虚弱,须发早白, 神经衰弱, 健忘失眠, 食欲不振, 疲劳过度等。 



Recommended Use: Traditional Chinese Medicine to nourish the yin of the lung, resolve phlegm. To help treat symptoms of deficiency of yin of the lung and kidney marked by dry cough, scanty expectoration, bloody sputum, dryness and pain in the throat.

Recommended Dose: 9 pill 3 times per day