清補涼湯 Ching Po Leung Clear Tonic Soup

Bao An

Regular price $8.99

Ching Po herbal tea / soup package has a good effect of invigorating the spleen and nourishing qi. At the same time, it clears heat and nourishes the lungs.
The family soup is suitable for the young and the old. Those who are weak and the fire rises can add Codonopsis ginseng. The spleen is beneficial to the lungs. It is used for weak lungs, fast breathing, coughing, singing, internal heat and thirst. A commonly used medicine for invigorating qi, has a function of replenishing the lungs, and has a similar effect to ginseng but weaker. It is suitable for all kinds of qi deficiency.

Ingredients: Chinese yam, Rhizoma Polygonatum, raw yingshi, glutinous rice, white lotus seeds, lily, raw meat.

Reminder: Please consult your doctor if it is suitable to take this tea tonic

How to cook :

1 lb lean meat (chicken or pork with no skin) , 1 package of clear and tonic ingredients.

Method :

1. Put the lean meat in the water and cook for 5 minutes, take it out and wash.

2. Wash all the ingredients for cooling and tonic.

3. Bring an appropriate amount of water to a boil, add all the ingredients, boil for 1-2 hours, the soup is ready, use salt and light soy sauce to taste.

Efficacy : This soup is sweet and nourishing, dehumidifying and appetizing, except. It has a mild and cooling effect such as strengthening the lungs, especially suitable for people who are weak and weak and cannot be supplemented.