小活络胶囊 Xiao Huo Luo Capsules


Regular price $8.99

功能主治:祛风散寒, 化痰除湿, 活血止痛。 用于风寒血闭阻, 痰瘀阻络所致的弊病, 症见肢体关节疼痛,或冷痛, 刺痛, 或疼痛夜甚, 关节屈伸不利, 麻木拘谨。



Recommended Use: Traditional Chinese Medicine used to expel wind and cold, resolve phlegm and eliminate dampness, and invigorate the blood to relieve pain; usde for obstruction of qi and blood with pain due to accumulation of wind, cold and dampness, and phlegm blocking meridians with manifestation of pain, or cold pian, or pricking pain of the joints of limbs, or pain aggravated at night, immobilized joints, muscular numbness or contracture.

Recommended Dose: 3 pills 3 times per day.