青草油 Da Dong Ya Qing Cao You Herbal Oil


Regular price $11.50

功能主治:止痛止痒, 消肿散瘀, 清热解毒。 主治蚊虫叮咬, 皮屑瘙痒, 皮肤红肿, 疥癣痒痛,汤火烫伤, 轻微撞伤, 跌打伤痛。


Recommended Use: It is manufactured under strict quality control processes according to Singapore standards of Good Manufacturing Practice. Double Prawn Brand Herbal Oil, when applied to the affected area, provides relief from pain, swelling and itching due to insect bites, fungal infection, abrasions, bruises, minor burns and scalds etc.

Recommended Dose: External Use