白花油 He Xing White Flower Embrocation


Regular price $21.99

功能主治:头晕头痛, 舟车晕浪, 止痕止痒, 蚊虫咬伤, 肌肉疼痛。 舒风散热, 消肿止痛, 醒神, 精神舒畅, 伤风鼻塞。



Recommended Use: Dispel wind and heat, relieve pain, diffuse orifices and activate the mind. Provide relief from the stuffed-up feeling associated with cold. Relieve dizziness and headaches. Relieve muscular pain. Disperse swelling. Relieve travel and motion sickness. Stop itching resulted from insect and mosquito bites. Refreshing.

Recommended Dose: External use only.