补中益气丸 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan


Regular price $6.20

功能主治:补中益气,升阳举陷, 用于脾胃虚弱, 中气下陷症引起典体倦乏力, 食少腹胀, 久泻, 脱肛, 子宫垂脱。


Recommended Use: Traditional Chinese Medicine used to reinforce the function  of the spleen and the stomach and to relieve prolapse. Helps treat symptoms related to weakness of the spleen and stomach, collapse of qi in the middle jiao such as: lassitude, anorexia, abdominal distension, chronic diarrhea and prolapse of the rectum and the uterus.

Recommended Dose: 8-10 pills 3 times per day.