中国骨刺灵 Chinese Spur Relief Tables


Regular price $7.50

功能主治:散风邪, 祛寒湿, 舒筋活血, 通络止痛。 用于颈椎, 胸椎, 腰椎, 跟骨等骨关节增生性疾病, 对风湿, 类风湿性关节炎有一定疗效。



Recommended Use: Traditional Chinese Medicine used to expel wind, resolve dampness, and remove blood stasis to relieve pain, used for obstruction of qi and blood with pain due to accumulation of wind-dampness and blood stasis blocking meridians with manifestations of painful and immobilized joints, pain of the lower back and knees, bony arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, pain due to rheumatalgia with above symptoms.

Recommended Dose: 3 pills 3 times per day.